Saskatchewan Indian Equity Foundation

Contribution Program

Program Summary

The SIEF Contribution Program is a needs based program with a mandate to create jobs and to increase the economic well-being of First Nations people. The program is designed to support: Business start-ups, business acquisitions, or expansions to existing businesses.

Funding for projects is completed in a two stage process. Stage one is the application form to determine eligibility. Stage two requires a comprehensive business plan to be submitted for further consideration; that demonstrates the long-term viability of the proposal and the ability to create jobs.

Eligible Recipients

To be eligible for the program, clients must be located in Saskatchewan and: a registered Status Indian, a majority owned First Nations business/financial organization, or a development corporation.

All applications require a minimum of a 10% equity contribution from the client. The SIEF Contribution Program assistance supports Business Development, Capital and Operating, Marketing, and on-going Business Support costs. The combined equity of the applicant and SIEF Contribution Program, for a capital project normally cannot exceed 50% of total eligible project costs.

To be eligible for individual application support, the applicant should be involved full-time with the proposed business in a management capacity.

Application Deadline

On-going applications

Click to download the SIEF Contribution Application.

Contact Information

Asimakaniseekan Askiy Reserve
202A Joseph Okemasis Drive
Saskatoon SK S7N 1B1
Telephone: 306-955-4550