Grade 9 to 10 Transition: % of Grade 9 Cohort who Receive at Least Four Credits in Subsequent Year, 2013 – 2014
Notes: Four measures are tracked of the Grade 9 to 10 indicator for First Nations, Metis and Inuit on and off-reserve in Saskatchewan: percentage of a Grade 9 cohort who are enrolled in Grade 10 the subsequent year; percentage of a Grade 9 cohort who receive at least two Grade 10 marks in the subsequent year [which places them in a Grade 10 cohort for graduation tracking purposes]; the percentage of a Grade 9 cohort who receive at least four credits in the Fall semester of Grade 10 in the subsequent year to Grade 9; and, the percentage of a Grade 9 cohort who receive at least eight credits in the subsequent year [pace to be on track to graduate ‘on-time’].
Source: Ministry of Education