Infrastructure Resources
Organization and Resource Information
Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs (BATC)
BATC Community Development Corporation
Community Development Corporation
Program Summary
Provides Funding for the following purposes:
- Economic Development
- Social Development
- Community Infrastructure Development and Maintenance
- Educational Development
- Recreational Facilities Operation and Development
- Senior and Youth Programs
- Cultural Development
- Justice Initiatives
- Health Initiatives
- Other Charitable Purposes
Eligible Recipients
The BATC CDC invites applications from charitable and non profit organizations for Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs, Battlefords Tribal Council, as well as independent First Nations located within the BATC CDC catchments and in the immediate communities of North Battleford and Battleford.
Application Deadline
June 2, Sept 2, Dec 2 and March 2
Britco – Passive Housing
Passive Housing
Program Summary
Britco is a BC based construction company that builds housing units with passive technology. Passive housing units are built off-site using modular building techniques in a climate control environment to prevent moisture entering the unit and form mold. The units face the sun, have thicker walls and three layers of insulation. Heating costs are reduced by as much as 80%. Heat from the stove and dryer is recycled to heat the rest of the house. The units are air tight.Yale First Nation in BC is the first First Nation in Canada to have passive housing in their community.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) – New and Existing Non-Profit Housing
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
New and Existing Non-Profit Housing
Program Summary
Learn how to apply for funding to create new housing on reserve or retrofit existing housing.Eligible Recipients
First Nations
Application Deadline
Contact Information
First Nations Housing Professionals Association
First Nations Housing Professionals Association
First Nation Market Housing Fund
Program Summary
Please visit link for more detailed description: https://fnhpa.ca/paths-to-becoming-certified.html
Eligible Recipients
First Nations Housing
Application Deadline
Starting September 14, 2020, all five courses will run online for an eleven week period.
Contact Information
Email: info@fnhpa.ca
Phone: 613-702-3166
FNMHF – First Nation Market Housing Fund
First Nation Market Housing Fund (FNMHF)
First Nation Market Housing Fund (FNMHF)
Program Summary
The First Nations Market Housing Fund was developed to facilitate and broaden the range of housing options for residents of First Nations communities so that they may have the same housing choices and opportunities as people in non-First Nation Communities.
Eligible Recipients
First Nations
Application Deadline
Contact Information
First Nations Market Housing Fund
1420 Blair Place, Suite 510
Ottawa, Ontario
K1J 9L8
Reception/Main number: 1.866.582.2808
F: 613.740.9932
General inquiries can also be emailed to: info@fnmhf.ca
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) – First Nation On-Reserve Housing Program
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)
First Nation On-Reserve Housing Program
Program Summary
First Nations can use these funds to build and renovate houses, as well as contribute towards costs such as maintenance, insurance, debt servicing, and the planning and management of a housing portfolio. Indigenous Services does not cover the full cost of housing. First Nation communities and their residents are also expected to secure funding from other sources for their housing needs, including shelter charges and private-sector loans. The On-Reserve Housing Program is part of Indigenous Services’ Capital Facilities Maintenance Program.
Eligible Recipients
First Nations
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392 North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Mohawk Council of Kahnawake – New Housing Construction Loan
Mohawk Council of Kahnawake
New Housing Construction Loan
Program Summary
Using a revolving loan fund model, new housing construction loans are offered to community members. The loan is intended to provide qualified applicants with a mortgage loan for the complete construction of a new house using funds from the Revolving Loan Fund up to a maximum of $150,000. The program requires a down payment contribution from the applicant for a minimum of 5% of the mortgage principle.Eligible Recipients
The program is targeted to eligible members who are gainfully employed, in the middle to upper income bracket, who require suitable housing on reserve. These individuals must be willing to take on a debt in the form of a mortgage, with land held as collateral by the Mohawks of Kahnawàke.
Mohawk Council of Kahnawake – Social Housing Rental
Social Housing Rental
Program Summary
MCK offer a range of rental property options through their social housing rental program.- Multi-Dwelling is a social housing rental program geared towards low-moderate income families. It provides affordable, transitional rental accommodations, suited for families. Support through Housing Case Management is provided to assist the tenant in achieving future homeownership.
- One bedroom housing rental geared towards low income single adults (male or female) who are experiencing challenges that have resulted in the inability to access private rental housing in the community. Tenants must be willing to work with MCK Housing in the development of a case management plan during their tenancy.
- The Rent-to-Equity Program is intended to build equity for future homeowners of lower-to- middle-income Kahnawakérho:non who qualify and who might otherwise find it impossible save for the necessary down payment on a mortgage loan. The Program offers 3 bedroom rental housing combined with a scheduled savings component to facilitate accumulation of the necessary funds to enter the housing market. The Rent-to-Equity Program is targeted to eligible Kahnawakehró:non who are close to being financially capable of home ownership but require some financial assistance, particularly in saving the down payment. They should be gainfully employed, in the lower-to-middle income bracket, and require suitable housing on-reserve. Because there are three (3) models of programming, there are also three (3) income brackets for qualification. These individuals must be willing to work with the Kahnawà:ke Housing Department Case Management in order to determine eligibility and at what income bracket they qualify.
- The HOPE Program is a four year job readiness program featuring affordable 3 bedroom rental housing, training/education and a home ownership savings plan targeted to eligible Kahnawakehró:non single parents with children who are willing to improve their present circumstances, and their children’s futures, by working towards attainable goals through the enhancement of their marketable skill set. This program combines educational and financial goals towards the achievement of a career and down payment for a house. These individuals must be willing to work with Social Development Case Management which consists of the Housing Department, Social Assistance Department, a Mentor chosen by the applicant and other partner organizations in order to identify a long term case plan toward achieving success. Other community services will also be included in the work plan for the possible provision of daycare, transportation, training allowances and training milestone requirements.
Robinson Residential – Tiny Homes
Robinson Residential
Tiny Homes
Program Summary
Robinson Residential has a variety of floor plans for small and tiny homes.SGI Grants & Data
SGI Grants & Data
SGI Grants & Data
Website Link: https://www.sgi.sk.ca/community-grants-programs
Grant programs
Car Seat Grant program
SGI and the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute (Prevention Institute) partner to help groups in need buy car seats. The program’s goal is to improve overall child passenger safety in Saskatchewan and help community members establish, enhance and deliver programs to benefit their clients and their vulnerable children.
Community Grant program
The program provides $100,000 a year in total grants to help local organizations offset the cost of traffic safety and brain injury prevention programs.
By applying for a community grant with your idea for a traffic safety or brain injury prevention program, you have an opportunity to access the funding needed to get your initiative started.
SGI and the Acquired Brain Injury Partnership Project have offered the program since 1997.
Provincial Traffic Safety Fund Grant program
The program provides up to $100,000 (per location) to municipalities and Indigenous land or territories. The goal of this fund is to stimulate and support local, collaborative action that will increase traffic safety awareness and reduce the frequency and severity of traffic injuries and fatalities within Saskatchewan.
The program began in 2019 and uses funds from photo speed enforcement tickets.
The Homeless Hub – Foyer Toolkit
The Homeless Hub
Foyer Toolkit
Program Summary
The Foyer is model of transitional housing for youth that provide links to employment and access to education, training, life skills development and on-going case management support.
The tool kit explains what a Foyer is and how it fits in with other housing options for young people.
Eligible Recipients
Available on line for free
The Infrastructure Planning Guide
Infrastructure Planning Guide
2018 Infrastructure Planning Guide/Toolkit_Digital
What is the Purpose of the Guide
The purpose of the Infrastructure Planning Guide and Toolkit is to support First Nations with infrastructure planning
so that it helps achieve the community’s vision and goals.
Infrastructure is a means to an end. Communities don’t build pipes, roads, and buildings because the end goal is to have pipes, roads, and buildings. Rather, communities build infrastructure to help achieve their vision and goals. For example, pipes might be needed to provide safe drinking water, which supports a goal to improve community health. Roads might be built to open up a new residential subdivision, which supports a goal to provide housing for all members. Buildings might be built to enable community gatherings, which supports a goal to celebrate the community’s culture.
Tiny House Listing Canada – Tiny Homes Resources
Tiny House Listing Canada
Tiny Homes Resources
Whitecap Dakota Nation – Leasehold Agreements
Whitecap Dakota Nation
Leasehold Agreements
Program Summary
Whitecap has developed commercial housing. The lots are legally surveyed , registered and buyers can get a mortgage. The homes have a 99 year lease of the land which roll into perpetuity upon the lease’s completion.Program Reference Reading
Read the Conveyance of a Leasehold Interest in First Nation document
Your Choice Homes Inc. – Construction Worker 101
Your Choice Homes Inc.
Construction Worker 101
Program Summary
This program provides hands on experience for youth to participate in building homes. Safety equipment and tool belts are provided for every student. Students receive high school credits.Eligible Recipients
First Nations