Canada Revenue Agency

Child Special Allowance (CSA)

Program Summary

The children’s special allowances (CSA) program provides payments to federal, provincial and territorial agencies and institutions (such as children’s aid societies) that care for children.

The monthly CSA payment is equal to the maximum Canada child benefit (CCB) payment plus the child disability benefit (CDB) if the child is eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC).


Changes have been made to the Children’s Special Allowances (CSA) program to ensure that Indigenous governing bodies, as defined under the Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families, can apply for the CSA for children in their care.

An “Indigenous governing body” means a council, government or other entity that is authorized to act on behalf of an Indigenous group, community or people that holds rights recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution and that:

  • has given notice to the federal government and the government of each province in which the Indigenous group, community or people is located that it intends to exercise its legislative authority in relation to child and family services; or
  • has requested that the federal government and the government of each province in which the Indigenous group, community or people is located enter into a coordination agreement with it.

Link: Childrens Special Allowance –

For more information:

South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522

First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.