Age-Standardized Mortality Rate per 1,000 population, On-Reserve, 2007

Notes: The age-standardized mortality rate is defined as the weighted average of the age-specific mortality rates in the population. As the age distributions of populations influence the number of deaths; age standard mortality adjusts for these differences by “applying the observed age-specific mortality rates to a standard population”. Essentially, age-standardized mortality rates allow for the evaluation of community health status between two different geographical areas. The figures are for individuals registered to a Saskatchewan FN band and residing on-reserve. The figures do not include non-registered First Nations or non-First Nations that may be living on-reserve. Status Verification System (SVS) identifies on-reserve Saskatchewan FN from the Government of Saskatchewan Vital Statistics System (VSS).

Source: Government of Saskatchewan Vital Statistics System (VSS), ICD-10 Codes. INAC’s Indian Registration System is used as the denominator for age-specific mortality rates.
