Youth Take Charge Program Summary Supports youth-led projects that exemplify the ability to strengthen youth attachment to Canada and involve activities in one or more four thematic areas: History and Heritage Civic Engagement and Youth Service Arts and Culture...
Canadian Heritage Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage - Local Festivals Program Summary Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals component provides funding to local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local...
Canadian Heritage Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage - Community Anniversaries Program Summary Funding is available for non-recurring events that mark the 100th anniversary or greater, in increments of 25 years (e.g., 125th, 150th); of a significant local...
Sport Canada Athlete Assistance Program Program Summary Normally, only athletes from those sports whose high performance programs are funded through the Sport Funding and Accountability Framework (SFAF). Athletes from non-SFAF sports can, however, access AAP support...
Northern Aboriginal Broadcasting Program Summary Visit Website The objectives of the NAB are: • to support the production of culturally-relevant Indigenous programming; • to facilitate establishment and maintenance of production facilities; • to ensure availability of...