Organization and Resource Information
CRA – Qualified Donee – Municipal or Public Body Performing a Function of Government in Canada
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
Qualified Donee - Municipal or Public Body Performing a Function of Government in Canada
Program Summary
CRA maintains a listing of eligible organizations that meet the requirements as a qualified donee. Being a qualified donee increase the opportunities for grant funding through community foundations, and other charitable organizations.
Eligible Recipients
Generally, a public body has a governance purpose and is accountable to those governed, regulated or represented by it.
Generally, a public body is:
1. An Indian band as defined in the Indian Act with procedures to elect Chief and council.
2. Other Aboriginal governments with election procedures.
3. A body (whether incorporated or not, the members of which may be elected or appointed) established under or as a result of implementing a statute with specific authorization and duties assigned by the statute to the body to develop, administer or regulate governance functions.
Further, in our view, if a public body is incorporated, the federal government or a provincial or territorial government, or the “public” that the corporation is serving or representing should have some specific control over the actions and operation of the corporation and the corporation should be accountable to either that government or that public.
First Nation Health Manager’s Association – FNHMA Certification Program
First Nation Health Manager’s Association (FNHMA)
FNHMA Certification Program
Program Summary
Professional program leading to certification as a Certified First Nations Health Manager. Increases knowledge of health management competencies such as leadership and governance, professionalism, advocacy, partnerships and relationships, human resource management, etc.
Eligible Recipients
Candidate must be working in health management or have completed several courses that relate to the competency standards.
Contact Information
First Nation Information Governance Centre – OCAP Online Training Course
First Nation Information Governance Centre
OCAP Online Training Course
Program Summary
Standing for ownership, control, access and possession, OCAP® asserts that
First Nations have control over data collection processes in their communities, and that they own and control how this information can be used. The First Nations principles of OCAP® are a set of standards that establish how First Nations data should be collected, protected, used, or shared. There are 7 modules in question and each module takes approximately 40 minutes or shorter on average or 6 hrs in total.
Eligible Recipients
The cost of the online training is $249.00/per person, with an additional 20% discount for 10 or more that register.
Contact Information
Head Office
341 Island Road, Unit D
Akwesasne, ON K6H 5R7
Tel: 613-733-1916
Fax: 613-936-8974
Toll Free: 866-997-6248
Aaron Franks, Senior Manager, OCAP® and Information Governance
EXT 1120.
EMAIL: afranks@fnigc.ca
Indigenous Services Canada – Band Administration Manual
Indigenous Services Canada
Band Administration Manual
Program Summary
Provides First Nations with sample policies and procedures which may be used as a basis or guideline for developing individualized First Nation policies in 3 major areas: Band Government Administration; Personnel Administration; Financial Administration.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Band Governance Elections
Band Governance Elections
Program Summary
The Governance unit will lead in contacting the First Nations regarding upcoming elections, appeals and providing information regarding the roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council. The department is committed to assisting First Nations with the development of their own election codes.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Band Support Funding
Band Support Funding
Program Summary
BSF program is provides grant-based funding to First Nations for local government costs and the administration of departmentally funded programs and services. The program covers such costs as those associated with chiefs and councils, basic overhead, shared office expenses related to the delivery of major services (e.g. office space, telephone and supervision), geographic location, and audit and professional fees.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Basic Organizational Capacity Program (BOC)
Basic Organizational Capacity Program (BOC)
Program Summary
Funding under this authority supports co-operative relationships with Indigenous peoples by providing basic organizational capacity to organizations mandated by Indigenous peoples to represent them. Providing basic organizational capacity enables these organizations to be effective voices for their members and represent the interest of their respective communities.
Eligible Recipients
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) is the sole recipient in Saskatchewan.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Consultation and Policy Development Program
Consultation and Policy Development Program
Program Summary
The purpose of contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development is to provide support to Indians, Inuit and Innu so that the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND) may obtain their input on all policy and program developments. These contributions are intended to enable recipients to provide input in relation to specific program and policy development initiatives of DIAND.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits
Program Summary
The program funds eligible First Nation, Inuit, or Innu employers for employer contributions to pension and benefit plans including CPP/QPP, pension plans, and no-statutory benefits plans (such as group life and disability insurance) to provide access to pension regimes for First Nation employees who deliver services which First Nations have taken over from the Federal Government. The program enables eligible employers to establish competitive employee benefit package comparable to other employers (such as federal, provincial, and municipal governments, school boards, etc). The program does not cover employees paid through service contracts or honoraria, such as most chiefs and councilors.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Estates
Program Summary
The Estates programs are part of Indigenous Services’ responsibilities under the Indian Act to help families manage the legal and financial affairs (also known as the estates) of the deceased, minor or mentally incompetent Status Indians (as defined by the Indian Act). Every effort is made by the Department to appoint an estate administrator, although some estates are departmentally administered.
On an adhoc basis, resources may be available from NHQ to support projects which raise the First Nations’ awareness of issues regarding estates, such as the importance of having a will. These projects are funded on a proposal basis.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – First Nations Elections Act
First Nations Elections Act
Program Summary
On April 11, 2014, the First Nations Elections Act received Royal Assent and was passed into law. This legislation is part of the Government’s commitment to provide frameworks that support stronger, more stable and effective First Nations governments. This opt-in legislation is intended for First Nations currently under the Indian Act however it will be made available to First Nations under band custom as well.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – First Nations Oil and Gas Money’s Management Act (FNOGMMA)
First Nations Oil and Gas Money's Management Act (FNOGMMA)
Program Summary
FNOGMMA provides First Nations with resources to begin the process of managing all Indian Moneys, including both capital or revenue trust funds. Upon a successful community vote and the addition of the First Nation to the schedule of FNOGMMA, the First Nation’s capital and revenue moneys will be transferred to the First Nation for its control and management.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Indian Moneys (Capital and Revenue Trust)
Indian Moneys (Capital and Revenue Trust)
Program Summary
The Indian Act defines Indian moneys as all moneys collected, received or held by Her Majesty for the use and benefit of Indians and bands.
• Capital Moneys – derived from the sale of surrendered lands or the sale of capital assets of the First Nation. These moneys include royalties, bonus payments, and other proceeds from the sale of timber, oil, gas and non renewable resource.
• Revenue Moneys – defined as all Indian moneys other than capital. Examples include reserve land leasing activities and interest earned on band capital and revenue moneys.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Indian Registration
Indian Registration
Program Summary
Funding is provided to First Nations with certified Indian Registry Administrators (IRAs) for field administration services related to the Indian Registry System. Duties include registration, membership services, and reporting of events.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – New Band/Band Amalgamation Policy
New Band/Band Amalgamation Policy
Program Summary
Under section 17 of the Indian Act, the Minister can constitute new First Nations from registered Indians and current members of existing First Nations. The Minister can also amalgamate First Nations that request it. The New Band/Band Amalgamation policy sets out the conditions under which Indigenous Services will consider the constitution and amalgamation of First Nations. In most cases, this must be at minimal or no cost to Indigenous Services. The creation of a First Nation that would incur significant costs will be considered solely in the context of lawful obligation or a ministerial commitment.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Professional and Institutional Development (P&ID)
Professional and Institutional Development (P&ID)
Program Summary
The P&ID program is designed to enable First Nations and Inuit communities to increase their governance capacity through locally, regionally and nationally developed initiatives. The P&ID program is a plan-based program that funds governance capacity development projects.
Eligible Recipients
First Nations and Tribal Councils that submit a proposal and application. In order to be considered for P&ID funding, it is mandatory that projects are linked to, and identified in, a capacity developmental plan.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Project Funding Approach for Indigenous Representative Organizations (IRO’s)
Project Funding Approach for Indigenous Representative Organizations (IRO's)
Program Summary
Project based funding for IRO’s will be directed to projects that address priority areas, yield concrete results and promote healthier, more self-sufficient Indigenous communities and people.
Eligible Recipients
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian nations (FSIN) is the sole recipient in Saskatchewan.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS)
Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS)
Program Summary
The SCIS car applications can be made in person at Indigenous Services offices in Regina and Prince Albert. The SCIS applications are accepted by mail. All mail-in applications are the in-Canada format. Applications for the in-Canada SCIS are found on the departmental website.
Application forms for Indian status and status cards (sac-isc.gc.ca)
Eligible Recipients
All status First Nations peoples.
Application Deadline
Open intake, no deadline.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Treaty Annuity Payments
Treaty Annuity Payments
Program Summary
Each fiscal year the Governance Unit administers treaty payments to Saskatchewan First Nations individuals who are members of First Nations which are signatories of treaties 4,5,6,8, and 10. this involves payment at 70 events throughout Saskatchewan including Treaty 4 in Fort Qu’Appelle and urban treaty days in Saskatoon, Regina and Prince Albert
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Treaty Benefits: Hunting and Fishing Allocations and Triennial Clothing
Treaty Benefits: Hunting and Fishing Allocations and Triennial Clothing
Program Summary
Beginning in fiscal year 2011-2012, all First Nations in Saskatchewan who are eligible to receive the hunting and fishing allocation receive cheques in lieu of the ammunition. The cheques to the First Nations are requested in early February to allow the First Nations time to purchase ammunition for their treaty events. This change is to minimize exposure of potential threats to the security of Indigenous Services employees. The eligibility for Triennial Clothing is determined by each numbered Treaty. In lieu of providing a suitable suit of clothing, as specified in the Treaties, the department provides a clothing allowance of $250.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Indigenous Services Canada – Tribal Council Funding (TCF) Program
Indigenous Services Canada - Tribal Council Funding (TCF) Program
Program Summary
TCF program supports the core operations of Tribal Councils to enable them to develop the capacity of their member First Nations, as well as provide aggregated program and service delivery as agreed to by their affiliated First Nations. The TCF Program is expected to support stable, transparent and accountable aggregate service delivery by Tribal Councils.
Contact Information
For more information:
South First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Regina) at (306) 780-5392
North and Central First Nations: Contact Indigenous Services Canada Regional Operations (Prince Albert) at (306) 953-8522
First Nations may also contact their Funding Services Officer directly for a program referral.
Native Nations Institute – Indigenous Governance Database
Native Nations Institute
Indigenous Governance Database
Program Summary
The Indigenous Governance Database is one of the tools and resources from the Native Nations Institute at the University of Arizona. With an account, one can access video, audio, and text resources related to Indigenous Governance. The database has international resources and some of the Canadian resources can be found her as well. With your account, you can also share your resources. There are many topics in the database, articles on language, governance, economic development, etc.Eligible Recipients
Available to all that open an account.
Public Safety Canada – Policy Development Contribution Program
Public Safety Canada
Policy Development Contribution Program
Program Summary
Supports strategic projects undertaken by the Department’s stakeholders that contribute to policy making and improved service delivery, in the areas of public safety and emergency management.Eligible Recipients
Eligible recipients for the contribution program include Canadian provinces, territories, public and private non-profit organizations, Indigenous governments, local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and national voluntary organizations.