Red Circle Planning Group

What is Red Circle Planning Group? 

The mentorship initiative is administered by Red Circle Planning Group. Red Circle Planning Group’s (RCPG) mission is to ensure Community Navigators have access to the proper tools and support that will allow them to feel supported and successful in their role as a Community Navigators. We support the Community Navigators through one-on-one mentoring, group mentorship, training and workshops geared to supporting their needs. 

What is the Mentorship Initiative? 

There are approximately 43 First Nations in Saskatchewan that are part of the Community Development Initiative (CDI) today. Our First Nations participating in the CDI have very similar goals as our Urban counterparts as we actively engage and consult with our membership, management and leadership. The majority of our First Nations participating in the CDI has a draft comprehensive community plan and use this as their guiding document for prioritizing and implementing their community goals and action items. 

Our Community Plans integrate several priority areas for growth and development in the community. The use of our Comprehensive Community Planning Wheel provides a framework for the various community themes. Our Community Plan provides direction for staff and the community to move towards self-sufficiency and finally, our community-led plans are used to leverage funding and partnerships from external agencies. Our First Nations have undertaken significant work to develop our Community Plans and implementation of our community plans is critical as our community grows and we forge ahead in a new future and create new opportunities.  

Quarterly Workshops

Red Circle Planning Group coordinates, plans and facilitates Quarterly workshops for our Community Navigators that provide a platform to: 

1) network;

2) educate, inform and create awareness of the community-led planning process; 

3) create partnerships; and

4) presentations of potential funding opportunities. 


  • Lime Survey Training
  • WordPress Website Training 
  • Lateral Violence to Lateral Kindness Train the Trainer Training
  • 5-year Capital Plan Information Session
  • Grants/Application 
  • Proposal Writing 
  • Leadership/Management Training 
  • O.C.A.P Training 
  • Drone Training
  • Indian Residential School Ground Penetrating Project
  • Presentations of various topics

Mentorship Contact List

Arlene Pinay


Anin Sikwa,

My name is Arlene Pinay and I am a proud Anishnabek member of the Cote First Nation, SK. I serve my community in the capacity as the Community Planner. My goal is to continue assisting and supporting my Nation in implementing our community led plans and goals. I aspire to build capacity and be a positive role mode for our younger leaders. I have been blessed to work in the public and private sectors throughout my career, with organizations such as Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), Federation of Sovereign Indian Nations (FSIN), Yorkton Tribal Council and our First Nation organizations, in management positions. I recently embarked with my own business, HW Consulting. I love spending time with family and friends and have a new hobby, golfing.


  • Email address:
  • Mobile: 306-331-9132

Steven Bryant


Anin Sikwa,

My name is Steven Bryant, and I am a member of the Cote First Nation in Saskatchewan. I have been an IT Mentor with Red Circle Planning Group for four years, where I assist Navigators in creating their Community Dashboards and community websites. I provide my services to my own nation and have experience with WordPress websites, Community Dashboard creation, Adobe InDesign, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Survey Monkey. I am a quick learner when it comes to anything IT-related and can assist in troubleshooting for any problems that may arise.

  • Email address:
  • Mobile: 306.620.6853

Terrie Campbell

My name is Terrie Campbell and I am a proud Dene member of the Birch Narrows Dene
Nation, in Northern SK. I serve my community in the capacity as the Community Planner
and the Nuh Nene Lands and resource department Manager. My goal is to continue
assisting and supporting my Nation in implementing our community led plans and goals, my
role in Nuh Nene Lands Manager is to protect and educate my FN as we have industry in
our backyard by consulting with Industry. I live a healthy lifestyle and I am a positive role
model for our younger leaders. I love spending time with family and friends, camping,
hunting, kayaking, being outdoors on the land heals the soul.
Marsi Cho
  • Email address:
  • Mobile: 306.230.6650

    Rob Thomson


    • Email address:
    • Mobile: 306-551-7966

      Ariane StarBlanket



      Ariane Starblanket-Community Navigator for Star Blanket Cree Nation, Treaty Four Territory. I have been an active Mentor and Facilitator for Red Circle Planning Group throughout the past few years and now recently the Saskatchewan Lead for the Indigenous Community Development National Strategy (ICDNS).

      Over the years, I possess various work experience (Federal, Provincial and First Nation/Tribal Council levels) and obtained many education/trainings in the areas of business/administration/finance/information management/capacity development/justice.

      I maintained & developed many partnerships and professional networks with my colleagues throughout my years of experience.

      My education background is Masters in Project Management-University of Saskatchewan and Project Management Certificate-University of Regina.

      I’m currently near completion with my nation’s CCP with a partnership with First Nations University of Canada.

      I gained a passion for community development under the capacity of mentorship & advocacy from Community Development Initiative within Saskatchewan and representing my role within the Red Circle Planning Group.

      I grew up on my nation of Star Blanket Cree Nation/Wahpiimoostoosis First Nation.

      I currently reside in the city of Regina, Saskatchewan with my partner & our daughter: My free time is spent with my family/friends travelling, engaging in outdoor activities, supporting community events or attending cultural ceremonies and celebrations.


      Thank you, for the opportunities to engage, support, build and work with many nations in regards to Indigenous Community Development and look forward to meeting!



      • Email address:
      • Mobile: 306-581-1608 

          Jaylene Thunder


          • Email address:
          • Mobile: 306.491.4062

              Tia Sunshine

              Administrative Assistant

              • Email address:
              • Mobile: (306) 230-1017

                  John Keenatch

                  Mentor/IT Support

                  • Email address:

                  Trey Cote


                  Anin Sikwa
                  I’m Trey Cote, a fourth-year Indigenous Social Work student at First Nations University of Canada and a summer student with Red Circle Planning Group. I represent Cote First Nation and am passionate about advancing community development initiatives. As a Communications Assistant with Red Circle Planning Group (RCPG), I provide valuable resources and support to Community Navigators. My experience includes working on community development projects and supporting vulnerable populations, all of which reflect my commitment to fostering sustainable growth and empowerment within Indigenous communities. 
                  • Email address:
                  • Mobile: (306) 552-7144