Notes: The First Nations Land Management (FNLM) Regime allows First Nations to opt out of 32 sections of the Indian Act relating to land management. First Nations can then develop their own laws about land use, the environment and natural resources and take advantage...
Notes: The RLEMP provides financial support to First Nation communities, First Nation institutions and professional development organizations for services associated with Indian Act land and environmental management services. The RLEMP is a comprehensive and...
Notes: An urban reserve is defined as a reserve within or adjacent to an urban centre. An Addition to Reserve (ATR) adds land to existing reserve land of a First Nation or creates a new reserve for First Nations. These figures do not add up to the total as some...
Notes: The figures are as of December 31 of each year from data recorded in the Indian Lands Registration System (ILRS). Source: Indigenous Services Canada
Notes: The figures are as of December 31 of each year from data recorded in the Indian Lands Registration System (ILRS). Source: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Indian Lands Registration System (ILRS)