Community Initiatives Fund

Community Grant Program (CGP)

Program Summary

The CGP supports projects and initiatives that:
provide positive opportunities for children and youth to grow and develop skills, self-esteem and a healthy lifestyle include physical activity and problem gambling initiatives ensure families have access to support and resources to create healthy, caring and safe environments celebrate the history and accomplishments of Saskatchewan communities encourage and support individuals to become involved as active citizens, volunteers and community leaders strengthen Saskatchewan’s nonprofit sector.

Eligible Recipients

To be eligible to apply for any grant from the Community Initiatives Fund, an applicant must be:

  • An incorporated Saskatchewan nonprofit and charitable organization whose primary purpose and activities are to benefit Saskatchewan communities;
  • OR

  • An unincorporated volunteer community group that is endorsed by an eligible organization. Endorsing organizations may be Saskatchewan nonprofits, municipalities, health regions, schools or school divisions that agree to receive, administer and account for CIF grants on behalf of a community group.

On-reserve projects may be eligible if the applicant meets eligibility criteria and the project primarily benefits people living off-reserve.


Application Deadline

Summer Grant: February 1
Community Grant Program: April 1 & Oct 1