Northern Enterprise Fund Inc. (NEFI)

NEFI Financing

Program Summary

Northern Enterprise Fund Inc. (NEFI) is now fifteen years young. Since its creation in 1988, NEFI has grown and evolved with the needs of the northern communities of Saskatchewan it serves. Now 100% northern owned and governed, we are working to build a reputation as a successful, self-supporting, long-lived, northern capital corporation which is professional, proactive and respectful.

NEFI assists in financing initiatives primarily through direct and participation loans. We assist all sizes of commercially-viable developmental, real estate and commercial projects.

While our flexible approach can be summarized as “open for your business” we are proud to have developed a wide range of programs and services to meet our clients’ needs.

Our aim is to assist projects that will succeed and benefit northern communities in Saskatchewan.


Eligible Recipients

NEFI is a corporation that was established in 1988 to support business and education in northern Saskatchewan.

Who is eligible for assistance through NEFI? Any individual or northern business residing within the Northern Enterprise Fund Region may apply.

What types of projects will be supported by NEFI? Generally, any commercially-viable project may be considered including:
– the acquisition of fixed assets;
– refinancing of existing borrowings;
– the purchase of an existing business;
– establishing a new business

NEFI offers developmental, real estate and commercial loans.

– Project viability
– Debt serviceability
– Management ability and related experience
– Credit history
– Security
– Equity


Program Contact

Northern Enterprise Fund Inc.
Box 220
Beauval, Saskatchewan
S0M 0G0

Phone: (306) 288-2258 or 1-800-864-3022
Fax: (306) 288-4667
Visit Website